Easter: A Time to Weave an Intergenerational Fabric Made of Both Sacred and Secular Threads

© Jane A. Simington PhD, 2017

Easter is a time for resurrecting from the old; it is a time to honor the good that has been a part of our past and to consider how we can use that good as fertilizer for the new seeds we will plant during this particular springtime of our lives. Reflecting on the good that has been a part of past Easter celebrations can help decrease the emotional responses we may experience related to any anniversary reactions that might surface as we plan for and...

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Nurturing Seeds of Optimism and Hope

hope optimism spring Mar 01, 2017

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

As the days became longer and the cold of winter was giving way to the warmth of spring, as a child I could sense the optimism and hope being shared by my parents as they discussed their plans for the seeding of spring crops and gardens. Signs of new life abounded around my farm home and the potential for the gains my family could acquire if that new life was nurtured and properly cared for, while covert, were palpable.

Those childhood days have imprinted...

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I Held You for Three Days

healing Feb 01, 2017

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

“It is not a matter of brain damage; it is a matter of life or death.” I was unconscious. My husband, Bill signed the consent form. The backward fall that fractured my skull had thrust my brain forward, crashing it against the frontal portion of my cranium, causing swelling and bleeding which required life-saving neurosurgery. While I have few memories of those days, I have long since ceased to be troubled by my lack of recall. The five-year...

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A Time to Carve a New Path

new path numerology Jan 02, 2017

©Jane A. Simington, PhD.

During my childhood, I would often count the number of words in a phrase or sentence, to determine if the total equalled an odd or an even number. This early interest likely contributed to my later study of numerology. In this system, each letter and number carries an energetic vibration. The total vibration of the word, phrase, or large number is determined by adding the vibrational values given to each letter or number used to make up the whole. The total...

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Christmas and Helpful Communication in Times of Loss

grief and loss Dec 05, 2016

©Jane A. Simington PhD.


December is upon us and during this month, many will spend time with loved ones for whom Christmas does not bring joy but instead exaggerates their grief responses. While we tend to associate grief with the death of a loved one, there are actually four major types of losses that those in our workplaces and personal lives may be grieving. These are: the loss of meaningful relationships and include losses resulting from death, separation, divorce, abortion,...

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From Inner Peace to World Peace

freedom peace veterans Nov 07, 2016

© Jane A. Simington PhD.

The month of November calls us to gratefully reflect on the freedoms we are privileged to experience as a result of sacrifices made by the family members who, as veterans, served our countries in the maintenance of peace and liberty. Yet despite their sacrifices, the search for peace continues among nations, within families, between individuals, and within the emotions and spirits of the individuals who fought for our freedoms.

My recent involvement with...

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Being Grateful for Post-Traumatic Growth

grateful ptsd Oct 04, 2016

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

During the month of October, many of us who live in countries of the Northern Hemisphere will gather in celebrations of gratefulness. For those who are newly bereaved, these days can add to their sense of loss and feelings of injustice. I clearly recall the first Thanksgiving celebrations after my son’s death. The closer the holiday came, the louder my inner voice chided, “What do I possibly have to be grateful for?”  Now years later...

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Autumn Harvest Stimulates Life Review

autumn harvest Sep 06, 2016

©Jane A. Simington, PHD. September, 2016


In many cultures of the northern hemisphere, the September equinox is the official announcement of autumn. In Greek mythology, autumn is associated with when the goddess Persephone returns to the underworld to be with her husband Hades. It was supposedly a good time to enact rituals to invoke protection and security as well as to reflect on successes or failures from the previous months.

As I gather the last produce from my summer...

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When Suicide Becomes an Option

certification suicide Aug 04, 2016

©Jane A. Simington PhD

Worldwide, suicide ranks among the three leading causes of death for adolescents and young adults.1Nearly 90% of all suicides are associated with a diagnosable mental health or substance abuse disorder.2 The unbearable feelings of despair, hopelessness and powerlessness resulting from their mental illness, trauma, significant grief or abandonment can, despite the best efforts of loved ones and professionals, cause nearly one million people globally, to attempt...

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Summer Winds Bring Change and Abundance

abundance change summer Jul 06, 2016
©Jane A. Simington, PHD


Strong summer winds bathed me this morning in aromas of rose petals, honeysuckle, sage and wild prairie grasses. These sensations caused me to be aware of the direction from which the winds were blowing.  While most of the Great Medicine Wheels place the element air in the East, the winds blow from each of the four directions. Years ago I learned a guided visualization that taught me to pay attention to the directions from which the winds blew; for...
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Two Step

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