Igniting the Fires of Love and Growth

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2020

Igniting the Fires of Love and Growth
©Jane A. Simington PhD.


The need to refresh my spirit after this long winter encouraged me to renew my morning adventures in Nature. The reward was instantaneous and incredible. My soul filled, as the breathtaking beauty of the pink, violet and gold rays of the morning’s sky separated to reveal the fire colors of the rising sun. The magnificence unfolding in those silent moments of dawn was a clear reminder to me that Spring is upon us; and with it comes the energy of the element fire. The increasing hours of sunlight celebrated by the Spring Equinox was reminiscent of how the many teachings surrounding this Equinox are those of the Fire Goddesses; including the Hawaiian Goddess Pele, whose volcanic fires invite us to remember the power of our internal fires; and those of Kali, the Hindu Goddess of death and rebirth whose lore encourages the burning of the old in order to make the ground fertile for new life.

In ancient times, the year began with the Spring Equinox, rather than on January 1st. Pondering the Goddess’ wisdom and reflecting on the messages of newness brought forth at the beginning of any year, I reflected upon the Numerological and Astrological symbolism of the double twos and their sum of four, associated with the year 2020. Remembering that the number two represents the union of individuals; thus symbolizes relationships, and that Astrologers note that the planetary alignments of the year 2020 will activate introspection on how we communicate our thoughts and feelings, our loyalty and honesty in those relationships, I pondered how, that in the past months, many have sought help for relationship concerns. Contemplating this, I became aware that my usual initial response was to inquire on the thoughts they have for the other.

The parallels amongst the morning sunrise, the Spring Equinox and my lived experiences spoke loudly of how the fire energy that radiates from the morning sun and penetrates all living things also penetrates and radiates from us. At some unspoken level this morning, I gained an increased awareness of how; because of this interconnectedness, we do not need to tell someone we like or dislike them. The fire energy within us that radiates from us is communicated soul to soul long before we have the cognitive abilities to do so.

As we step into this season of new beginnings, may the fire within each of us burn so brightly that as it radiates from us, in thought forms, we create a new beginning in each of our relationships; knowing that as we hold thoughts filled with the fire of love, they kindle a loving attitude which in turn will automatically result in loving behaviours.
As we welcome Spring, I encourage the recollection of the words of William James, who noted that “compared to what we ought to be, we are often only half lit; our fires are damped, our drafts are checked.”To be fully lit is to have and to radiate an awareness of being in love with the incredible light beings we are; and to recognize, acknowledge and support that fire in others. Perhaps too, as we recall the Fire Goddess lore, we will individually and collectively allow our inner fires to burst forth and radiate more brightly to all of humankind so as to experience the reality depicted by De Chardin, “Someday when we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” 2

1) James, W. (1958). Varieties of Religious Experiences. NY: New American Library.
2) De Chardin, P. T. (1984) On Love and Happiness. San Francisco: Harper & Row.


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