In a Dark Time: Manifesting New Beginnings

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2020

In a Dark Time: Manifesting New Beginnings
©Jane A. Simington PhD

April is synonymous with Spring and with it comes an inner awareness of the potential for new beginnings in both our individual and collective lives. Symbolically, the ever increasing hours of light activate a brightening in our minds, emotions, and in our spirits; encouraging us to examine the possibilities that have been germinating during the last days of winter and to then step forth to courageously plant these...

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Igniting the Fires of Love and Growth

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2020

Igniting the Fires of Love and Growth
©Jane A. Simington PhD.


The need to refresh my spirit after this long winter encouraged me to renew my morning adventures in Nature. The reward was instantaneous and incredible. My soul filled, as the breathtaking beauty of the pink, violet and gold rays of the morning’s sky separated to reveal the fire colors of the rising sun. The magnificence unfolding in those silent moments of dawn was a clear reminder to me that Spring is upon...

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Love is Eternal

Uncategorized Feb 11, 2020


Love is Eternal
©Jane A. Simington PhD.
Leo Buscaglia, author of Born to Love, was once asked to judge a contest; the purpose of which was to find the most loving child. The winner was a four year old boy, whose neighbor was a grieving elderly gentleman. Upon seeing the man weeping, the child climbed over the adjoining fence and perched himself upon the older man’s lap. When his mother asked what he had said to the grieving man, the little boy answered,...
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I Wish You Enough

I Wish You Enough

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

January, 2020


To satisfy my ever increasing interest in the relationships between Astrology and Numerology, I spent last evening deeply immersed in researching the numerical symbolism of the double twos and their sum of 4, in the 2020 year we are entering.

In Numerology, the Number Two represents the joining of two Ones; with the Number One depicting the self and singleness. The Number Two, which is a union of the Number Ones, symbolizes...

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Gratitude for Those Who Pack My Parachute


As I pondered the topic for this November newsletter, of course my initial thoughts were of November 11th, Remembrance Day, and the sacrifices made by our Veterans. The more I reflected, the more I recognized how much each of these possible topic options stirred a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude.

Reminiscing on the life narratives of the war experiences described by relatives and clients has made me deeply aware of how grateful I am for the sacrifices made in the name of world...

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Grateful for Mother Sea and Water

grateful mother sea water Oct 09, 2019


©Jane A. Simington PhD.



During the month of October, many of us who live in countries of the Northern Hemisphere gather in celebrations of gratefulness. For most of my Thanksgiving weekends in the past, the decorations have focused on the autumn colours and my prayers of gratitude were for the grains, fruits and vegetables harvested from our fields and gardens. This year however, much of my Thanksgiving weekend is being spent at the Ocean. Recognizing that so much of...

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Autumn Lessons of Grief and Gratitude

gratitude grief Sep 09, 2019

Autumn Lessons of Grief and Gratitude

©Jane A. Simington, PhD.

September is for me, a bittersweet month. The autumn winds, blowing fragrances of ripe pumpkins and harvested grains, creating a whimsical dance among the fallen red and gold leaves delight and enchant. The abundance of the season humbles and fills me with awe and gratitude; yet amidst this splendor is an ever-growing awareness that the glory and light of summer is quickly passing and the gloom of winter is soon to arrive....

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Soulful Reminders of Summer Lessons

summer natural world Aug 08, 2019

Soulful Reminders of Summertime Lessons
©Jane A. Simington PhD.

The month of August is upon us and with it comes the draw for families to retreat from the business of city life into the calm and peace-filled realms of the natural world. What is it, about the lake shore, the forest that mesmerizes? What memories are awakened?

My daughter’s i-Phone messaged photos and Facebook posts of her children’s enjoyable times during their lakeside vacation, engaged in...

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Spring Seed to Summer Blooms: The Sacred Process

©Jane A. Simington, PhD

I see in nature structure that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of humility.

Albert Einstein


The fertility and newness of spring has shifted into the full blooms of summer, signaling a call to reconnect with the natural world. What within us is stirred as we gaze in awe at a majestic mountain or marvel at the roar of a great waterfall? Some believe our yearning to be in nature is the acceptance of an invitation from the places and spaces of the...

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Evaluation Trauma Education Designed Within a Spiritual Framework



Evaluating Trauma Education Designed Within a Spiritual Framework.

First Published May 7, 2019 Research Article
Journal of Humanistic Psychology
CLICK HERE   To read my article on my Website.

CLICK HERE  to go directly to the Journal. 


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Two Step

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