A Mother's Search for the Divine Feminine

The month of May is upon us, and during this season many will celebrate Mothers, Motherhood and all that is feminine. Perhaps it is because of my affinity to these concepts that I was recently impacted by the words of a biblical scholar:   “A more exact translation for the word ‘God’ as used in the context spoken by Jesus when He spoke of the Father, would be, ‘O breather of life,” a phrase more associated with the feminine than with the masculine...

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Spring: A Time to Show Our Butterfly Nature

The warming weather brings promises of freshness to all aspects of life. It invites us out of doors to be a part of all that is being renewed in nature - the trees that are budding, the migrating birds that are returning - and to feel the affectionate caresses of the Spring winds that refresh our spirit and reawaken our hopes in the promises of life, and in the very existence of our planet.

The energy format of this planet is about balanced polarity. In Spring this energy helps to thaw out...

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Loving Touch May be Life Saving

healing loving touch Jan 30, 2019
©Jane A. Simington PhD. 

For some decades now, February has been appointed as the month we are called to acknowledge in special ways those we love. As I reflect on love, its many meanings and the experiences of love in my life, my thoughts drift off to February days, seven years previous. During these moments of reverie, I ponder deeply if it was love’s touch that called me back to life from an unconscious state. 

While I have little or no recall of the events...
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It is the Night of Our Soulā€™s Rebirth

light winter solstice Dec 18, 2018
©Jane A. Simington, PhD. 2018
After weeks of ever increasing hours of darkness, the Winter Solstice marks the turning point when the sun begins to journey back into the North. The return of the Light is celebrated in many homes in similar fashion as were those enacted by our ancestors. In my home, as in the homes of many families that originated from Northern Europe, the creation and lighting of the Yule Log announces the beginning of the 12 days of the Yule Season; which...
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Embracing the Power of the Winter Solstice to Heal and Empower Self and Others


 ©Jane A. Simington, PhD. 2017

 The darkest day or the longest night of the year is near. This annual planetary event is known as the Winter Solstice, and occurs this year on December 21. At the Winter Solstice, the sun begins to return, shifting the balance of dark and light, bringing promises of increasing warmth and new beginnings.

  • This is a powerful time to reflect on our seen and unseen darkness, so we can release some of that pain.
  • As we come to the close of this...
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Autumn Teachings on Motherhood

autumn motherhood Sep 25, 2018

©Jane A. Simington PhD.
September, 2018

The warmth and beauty of the evening drew me to linger long amidst the splendor of the crimson, yellow and orange displays in my autumn garden. Recalling the gentle nurturing required by the fragile plants in early spring, and the support they needed as they struggled to grow and produce against the challenges of drought and a hot summer sun, I marveled at how their resilience had resulted in such an array of magnificence.

These moments of...
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Fire in Our Souls

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

In awe, I witnessed the breathtaking beauty of this early morning’s canopy of pink and gold erupt to reveal a sky inflamed with the colors of fire radiating from the rising sun. The magnificence unfolding in those silent moments of dawn were a clear reminder of how the sky reveals the glory of God.1 Summer is upon us and with it, comes the energy of the element fire. Ancient teachings such as those of the Medicine Wheels and of Goddess lore remind...
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Honouring Fathers and Establishment of Intergeneration Bonds of Love

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

In celebrating Father's Day, we honor fathers and acknowledge the roles and responsibilities of fathering; one of which is the establishment of bonds of intergenerational love. Celebrations of Father’s Day date back to the middle ages, where in Catholic Europe it was held on March 19, the feast day of St. Joseph, to encourage all fathers to model the foster father of Jesus. Spanish missionaries brought this teaching to Latin America, where March...
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Facets of Mothering and Motherhood


Mother’s Day is celebrated annually as a tribute to mothers, motherhood and the influences of Mothers in society. Although the origins of the holiday date back to ancient Greek and Roman times, the modern forms of this celebration take place in many countries during the months of either March or May. Here in North America, Mother’s Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday in May.
Symbols of mothering and motherhood abound in many cultures and include...
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Filling Our Lives With Light

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

Stone structures erected by ancient cultures and traditions to mark the Solstices and Equinoxes, invite us to ponder their meanings, and apply to our own lives the Earth’s cycles of light and darkness, death and rebirth. The ancients believed that during these turning points, the Earth was more in line with the other dimensions and that the solar energy was thus more able to enter the Earth plane to activate the purposes of that cycle.

In the Northern...
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Two Step

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