Fire in Our Souls

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

In awe, I witnessed the breathtaking beauty of this early morning’s canopy of pink and gold erupt to reveal a sky inflamed with the colors of fire radiating from the rising sun. The magnificence unfolding in those silent moments of dawn were a clear reminder of how the sky reveals the glory of God.1 Summer is upon us and with it, comes the energy of the element fire. Ancient teachings such as those of the Medicine Wheels and of Goddess lore remind us that fire energy radiates from the sun, burns deep within the core of the earth, penetrates all living things, and since we are a part of the creative life force also burns deeply within each of us. Having lived and worked in Hawaii, witnessing the fire colors at dawn caused me to ponder what teachings Pele, the Hawaiian Fire Goddess, is asking us to pay attention to. As her volcano wildly erupts, is it possible that Pele is prompting us to recall the power of our individual and collective inner fires? Is she reminding us of how compared to what we ought to be, we are only half lit; our fires are damped, our drafts are checked.2

To be fully lit is to have and to radiate an awareness of being in love with the incredible beings we are; to recognize, develop and share our immense potential, knowing that there is no value to be had in playing small - in settling for a life that is less than we are capable of being. Spiritual masters remind us that to radiate outwardly the fire that glows deeply within our souls, we must not only know and love who and what we truly are; we must be excited about and really love what we are doing; and what we are doing must contribute to the greater good, built upon a greater love for the greater soul of humanity.

In reflecting further on the teachings of the Hawaiian Fire Goddess, I suggest that perhaps Pele is encouraging us individually and collectively to allow our inner fires to burst forth and radiate more brightly, so we as humankind can experience the truth and the power of what De Chardin wrote: “Someday when we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. 3

1) The Bible, Psalm 91.
2). James, W. (1958). Varieties of Religious Experiences. NY: New American Library.
3). De Chardin, P. T. (1984) On Love and Happiness. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
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