Jane A. Simington PHD (2014)
What is it about the camp fire that mesmerizes? What is stirred within? What dormant memories are awakened?
Fire on most of the great Medicine Wheels of the world is the element associated with the South. Sacred teachings connected with the South are about summer; about growth and productivity. These reflections from nature, the sun-filled days and the long evenings of summer sunlight, are metaphoric reminders...
©Jane A. Simington, PHD, 2014
My last visit with my Father began three days before his passing. I had known him as a man of few words, so the intensity and depth of the conversation we shared about the life we spent together marked me indelibly. He emphasized that he wished he had been able to do more [for me], to give [me] more.
My simple response, Daddy, you gave me life; you gave me my education. I could ask for nothing more, affirmed the roles that he played in my life. I left...
© Jane A. Simington, PHD
For more than thirty years, I have been a professional, helping people as they move through difficult life experiences. I am also a bereaved mother whose son was killed when he was 13 years of age. My therapeutic practice and my comments in this article, blend my personal and professional experiences of loss and grief. As a therapist, when I work with an individual or a couple who have lost a child...
A number of years ago, a school therapist who worked with grieving and traumatized children told me her goal was to ensure that at the end of the school year each child in her programs would know that God loved them. I questioned whether it might be a better goal for each child to come to know self love, since it is difficult to see outside of ourselves what we do not see within.
Any major loss brings with it multiple subsequent losses, and most people,...
January brings a fresh new year, a blank canvas waiting for creation, a phenomenal opportunity for investing in new opportunities.
The ancient Romans dedicated New Year's Day to Janus, the God of gates, doors, and beginnings. Janus had two faces, allowing him to look both backwards into the old year and forwards into the new one. His image reminds us that at the beginning of a new year we have an ideal time for both reflection and...
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