A Time to Carve a New Path

new path numerology Jan 02, 2017

©Jane A. Simington, PhD.

During my childhood, I would often count the number of words in a phrase or sentence, to determine if the total equalled an odd or an even number. This early interest likely contributed to my later study of numerology. In this system, each letter and number carries an energetic vibration. The total vibration of the word, phrase, or large number is determined by adding the vibrational values given to each letter or number used to make up the whole. The total number is then reduced to a single digit, representing the energetic vibration of the whole.

I often use this esoteric knowledge to determine the energetic value of important names, titles or numbers, such as the number of the year we are entering. In numerological terms, the energy for 2017 is 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1. The energetic value of 1 is about newness and new beginnings. It is about creating and manifesting our dreams and desires. The energetic value of a year that totals 1 represents the start of a new 9 year cycle. According to this study, the intentions we make and the foundations we establish during 2017 (preferably early in the year,) will shape the flow of energy within our lives over the forthcoming decade. Holding the energetic vibration of the 1, the year unfolding before us is a time to plant seeds of our deepest desires, dreams and visions for every area of our lives: relationships, health, healing, well-being, finances and careers.
The energetic vibrations of the number one and 2017, the year associated with that number, resonate in like manner with other forms that also carry that vibration. The following words are some examples: pondering them can help paint a picture of the potential growth energy available during 2017.

  • DNA = 1
  • Spirit = 1
  • Blissful = 1
  • Union = 1
  • Goddess = 1
Applying the resonating values of these words we may, for example, consider how our focused intentions made during this year might activate our DNA and align us with the infinite potential of Spirit. As we activate our inherent creativity through our Goddess selves, we activate a force within us that can create miracles.
It is however, also necessary to recognize that every energetic vibration has a polarity. The following also carries the vibration of a 1 and thus reminds us that these vibrations are also possible ways in which 2017 can be experienced.
  • Arrogance = 1
  • Victimhood = 1

The year we are entering has great potential. The energy of 2017 supports our efforts to carve a new path of success and prosperity in all areas of our lives. The polarity of the expressions reminds us however, that how the year unfolds in our particular lives, will depend on which vibrations we choose to resonate with. If for example, we continue to choose thoughts, emotions and perceptions that keep us stuck in Victimhood, we will simply repeat the patterns of the past and deny ourselves the Blissful life of being in Union with Spirit.

As we enter 2017, a year filled with infinite possibilities, my wish is that we each use the potential of the powerful, positive vibrations available during the next twelve months to reframe or change situations in our lives that are not as they should be; thus allowing us to be more open to carving a new path of success and abundance in every area of our lives.

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