A Mother's Search for the Divine Feminine

The month of May is upon us, and during this season many will celebrate Mothers, Motherhood and all that is feminine. Perhaps it is because of my affinity to these concepts that I was recently impacted by the words of a biblical scholar:   “A more exact translation for the word ‘God’ as used in the context spoken by Jesus when He spoke of the Father, would be, ‘O breather of life,” a phrase more associated with the feminine than with the masculine...

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Spring: A Time to Show Our Butterfly Nature

The warming weather brings promises of freshness to all aspects of life. It invites us out of doors to be a part of all that is being renewed in nature - the trees that are budding, the migrating birds that are returning - and to feel the affectionate caresses of the Spring winds that refresh our spirit and reawaken our hopes in the promises of life, and in the very existence of our planet.

The energy format of this planet is about balanced polarity. In Spring this energy helps to thaw out...

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Nurturing Seeds of Optimism and Hope

hope optimism spring Mar 01, 2017

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

As the days became longer and the cold of winter was giving way to the warmth of spring, as a child I could sense the optimism and hope being shared by my parents as they discussed their plans for the seeding of spring crops and gardens. Signs of new life abounded around my farm home and the potential for the gains my family could acquire if that new life was nurtured and properly cared for, while covert, were palpable.

Those childhood days have imprinted...

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A Time for Renewal and Transformation

spring transformation Apr 02, 2014
Jane A. Simington PHD (April, 2014)
This morning at dawn,
prodded by a magical stirring in the air,
I wandered a wooded area
to capture signs of spring I knew would be there.
The Geese are back, the Robins too;
Pussy willows?  I saw a few.
Wild things need no temple;
they need no bells to ring.
The breezes coming from the South
have told them it is spring.
In this outdoor cathedral, standing on holy ground
I marveled at the lessons of rebirth that I found.
The unborn beauty...
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Two Step

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