Gratitude for Those Who Pack My Parachute


As I pondered the topic for this November newsletter, of course my initial thoughts were of November 11th, Remembrance Day, and the sacrifices made by our Veterans. The more I reflected, the more I recognized how much each of these possible topic options stirred a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude.

Reminiscing on the life narratives of the war experiences described by relatives and clients has made me deeply aware of how grateful I am for the sacrifices made in the name of world...

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Autumn Lessons of Grief and Gratitude

gratitude grief Sep 09, 2019

Autumn Lessons of Grief and Gratitude

©Jane A. Simington, PhD.

September is for me, a bittersweet month. The autumn winds, blowing fragrances of ripe pumpkins and harvested grains, creating a whimsical dance among the fallen red and gold leaves delight and enchant. The abundance of the season humbles and fills me with awe and gratitude; yet amidst this splendor is an ever-growing awareness that the glory and light of summer is quickly passing and the gloom of winter is soon to arrive....

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Gratitude for the GrandfatheringĀ of Grandsons

grandfathering gratitude Sep 28, 2015

 ©Jane A. Simington, PhD.
I never knew my grandfathers; they both died before I was born, so I have no personal experiences of being grandfathered. After I married, my husband and I lived far from our families of origin so I saw few examples of my own children being grandfathered. Perhaps it is because of these voids I feel a deep sense of appreciation for the opportunities to learn about grandfathering as I witness my husband embrace this role. Through these...
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Threads of Gratefulness Woven within the Fabric of Life

©Jane A. Simington, PHD., October, 2014
“It is not a matter of brain damage; it is a matter of life or death.” Bill signed the consent; I was unconscious.  The fall had fractured my skull and thrust my brain forward crashing it against the frontal portion of my cranium.

Post surgery, during moments of semi-consciousness, I became increasingly aware of my inability to see. Each time I slipped back into unconsciousness I begged three large Beings of Light to open...
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Two Step

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