Grateful for Mother Sea and Water

grateful mother sea water Oct 09, 2019


©Jane A. Simington PhD.



During the month of October, many of us who live in countries of the Northern Hemisphere gather in celebrations of gratefulness. For most of my Thanksgiving weekends in the past, the decorations have focused on the autumn colours and my prayers of gratitude were for the grains, fruits and vegetables harvested from our fields and gardens. This year however, much of my Thanksgiving weekend is being spent at the Ocean. Recognizing that so much of...

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Being Grateful for Post-Traumatic Growth

grateful ptsd Oct 04, 2016

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

During the month of October, many of us who live in countries of the Northern Hemisphere will gather in celebrations of gratefulness. For those who are newly bereaved, these days can add to their sense of loss and feelings of injustice. I clearly recall the first Thanksgiving celebrations after my son’s death. The closer the holiday came, the louder my inner voice chided, “What do I possibly have to be grateful for?”  Now years later...

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Two Step

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