Spring: A Time to Show Our Butterfly Nature

The warming weather brings promises of freshness to all aspects of life. It invites us out of doors to be a part of all that is being renewed in nature - the trees that are budding, the migrating birds that are returning - and to feel the affectionate caresses of the Spring winds that refresh our spirit and reawaken our hopes in the promises of life, and in the very existence of our planet.

The energy format of this planet is about balanced polarity. In Spring this energy helps to thaw out...

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Filling Our Lives With Light

©Jane A. Simington PhD.

Stone structures erected by ancient cultures and traditions to mark the Solstices and Equinoxes, invite us to ponder their meanings, and apply to our own lives the Earth’s cycles of light and darkness, death and rebirth. The ancients believed that during these turning points, the Earth was more in line with the other dimensions and that the solar energy was thus more able to enter the Earth plane to activate the purposes of that cycle.

In the Northern...
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Two Step

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