Planting Seeds of Hope and Promise

growth planting seeds Mar 05, 2018


Jane A. Simington PhD.
One of my fondest childhood memories of early spring is sitting beside my mother as she perused the catalogues choosing seeds that had in previous years proved to be productive; and always selecting a few new varieties from the gorgeous colored pictures which looked promising. Upon their arrival, Mother planted the seeds and tended to them daily with just the right amount of warm water and fertilizer, ensuring that they would develop strong roots and sturdy stems. Within a few weeks, she would gently pick out any weeds that had dared to grow. Her actions taught:
What power lies within those small brown seeds!
Flowers become flowers and weeds become weeds!
While in those early years of my life, I had likely not yet formulated the concepts of hope or promise.  As I reflect on those days and experiences, I now recognize the immense hope my Mother had each March as the first signs of spring were bursting forth, she sowed the little brown seeds, believing the spring rains and the hot summer sun would create miracles of beauty and abundance; so that during the summer and autumn she would reap a harvest enough to feed her always hungry children.

Pondering this childhood memory prompted (as pondering has a way of doing) a metaphoric reflection to life. We have each experienced, both literally and symbolically, the awe-inspiring sensations of spring following the dark and dreary days and nights of our winter experiences. During each of these times we had, as we do now, a great opportunity to plant seeds filled with the promise of what it is we hope to reap in the autumn on this turn of our Wheel.
The earth will nurture and will grow
Whatever kind of seeds we sow
So, let us each plant seeds this spring
That only good and beauty bring!


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